Recruitment / Admissions Officer: Executive Summary
Using this solution makes your everyday tasks much easier. And so fast. From the minute you log in and go to your favourite app, you know that you can find everything in one place. Your automated communications are constantly being generated (branded templates and personalised merged content) and sent out on your behalf to students at different stages in their journey:
when you are out and about:
- Use your iPad to collect student information at events (even when there is no WiFi).
- Upload collected data into Student CRM, and trigger immediate automated follow ups.
- Log in from anywhere in the world on your laptop and monitor activities via dashboards and reports.
Automated message generation:
- Enquiries get answered, and followed up.
- Prospectus requests get fulfilled, and followed up.
- Pre-applicant students get invited to open days organised to explain subjects and courses of interest.
- Applicants get invited to applicant open days hosted by their chosen faculty.
Become a CRM Black Belt:
- Receive on-boarding emails from day one.
- Learn how other UK University teams are using each app to best effect.
- Join our online Community and submit your product ideas.
- Get email, support ticket and VIP telephone help for our Customer Services team.
- Work towards your CRM black belt, guided by our Customer Services team.
When you are back at your desk:
- Configure automated communications to contain relevant content per audience.
- Segment students and send out email and SMS campaigns.
- Grab and download your student data at any time.
- Search the Student Database - all recruitment activities are logged against each student, building a complete historic log of activities.