Student CRM - Open Days - your top student recruitment activity?

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Open Days - your top student recruitment activity?

According to a recent article in The Guardian, universities are becoming more creative in how they recruit prospective students. They are allocating a bigger proportion of their budgets to marketing open days, engaging with students, social media promotion and making websites more interactive.


This CRM will boost your open days

An increasing number of universities are investing in a CRM to manage their student recruitment, moving away from traditional marketing methods such as national press advertising, and concentrating on a more targeted and personalised approach. A great CRM (ours is great) can really empower marketing and recruitment teams to reach out to prospective students. Demonstrate your University's value proposition, increase engagement, focus on conversions, measure effectiveness, and build a database of students rich with vital marketing information to help you make smart marketing decisions.

84% of universities surveyed said that their website was a successful marketing tool to attract students to open days. Data Harvesting can add an Open Days booking form to your website that easily captures student data and feeds directly into your Student CRM for efficient open days management, allowing you to communicate with these students regularly leading up to the day. 

Universities using Student CRM can segment specific groups of students and send marketing communications to engage those students via email, SMS text, postal letters, postcards and labels effortlessly from within the CRM.

By supporting your digital recruitment campaign with Student CRM, more students are likely to choose to study with you.

  • Market to your students with Student CRM

  • Keep students interested by using Student CRM

  • Recruit more students with Student CRM