Student CRM - The 5 Cs to recruiting more students

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The 5 Cs to recruiting more students

With student recruitment, there are 5 Cs to recruiting your students and creating a relationship with each one. Each of our 21 apps have been carefully considered to give recruitment teams the very best tools to increase student engagement.



In order to market your university with prospective students you'll first need to connect with them and build a relationship, whether that's through online enquiries or through meeting them and taking their details at an event.

Our Enquiries app is excellent at managing students' initial questions about studying with you. One of our users responded to over 8,000 enquiries with this app.


Ensure your marketing campaigns and recruitment activities positively represent your university and stay on brand. It helps to reinforce your brand by keeping material consistent with your brand guidelines, including your online forms.

With Student CRM you can create transactional communications and marketing materials to communicate with prospective students. We've also got a useful grab tool to segment groups of students and market to them by a specific criteria.


Using a central Student CRM means all your recruitment activities are streamlined which improves your internal communications and helps to build an online relationship with your students - and visible to all departments to form a powerful strategy.


Research has shown that personalised communications are far more effective and engaging, Student CRM allows you to merge various details, including first name, into your marketing materials.


Review and analyse the progress of your recruitment activities by comparing the engagement rates of each. Which open days had most bookings? Which recruitment event collected most student data? Which forms captured most students? How many interactions it took before the student enrolled etc. This can be analysed with our purpose-built Enterprise Reporting app.